Forbes features Ground

“If you want to play in the NBA, you must put in the hours. There is simply no other way. How else do you get drafted for those 30 teams in the major leagues? The answer is hard work and talent,” says Shahriar Kabir, co-founder of Ground.

Forbes features Ground and co-CEOs, Kat Garcia and Shahriar Kabir as they share their entrepreneurial journey into the making of the AI software company. The co-founders, driven by a newfound perspective on their identities and their brainchild, Ground AI, expressed their satisfaction in unveiling their creation to the world. They emphasized the profound impact their technology holds in assisting consumer businesses, fellow visionaries, and teams in amplifying their revenue sustainably.

Garcia and Kabir took the opportunity to introduce not just Ground AI but also the personalities shaping its journey. They highlighted the uniqueness among themselves while underscoring the pivotal role played by their diverse yet interwoven life trajectories. Their unwavering dedication and shared belief in perseverance have been the driving force propelling their collective journey toward success.

Antonio Andrade is wearing a Vans t-shirt, next to Kat Garcia or Kathleen Garcia-Manjarres. She is wearing a Retrofete green dress with a Kim Kardashian type of makeup look. On the left of her is Shahriar Kabir dressed in a brown COS jacket. Ground.

Ground founders: Antonio Andrade, Kat Garcia, Shahriar Kabir

Kathleen Garcia-Manjarres (Kat Garcia)

You may know Kathleen Garcia-Manjarres as "Kat Garcia" and for her multi-faceted talents as she has boasted many titles: corporate VC and growth architect, management consultant, business entrepreneur, and former television/film actress and singer/songwriter. Check out her thoughts on being a woman in the corporate world by reading or watching The Corporate Diary; get the latest news on The Business of Travel, and keep up with her in Lifestyle.

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